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Customized media engagement training

We listen to your training needs and develop workshops, forums ,seminars etc that will address the issues identified.

Develop training manuals:

We develop training manuals for specific organizations.

Media Chat Kenya

This is a forum that was coined by Roshani Consultancy Services, to give a platform to media practitioners in Kenya to meet and address self-care issues resulting from their professional lives as journalists.

Would you like to engage with journalists on an issue?

Get in touch with us to sponsor a media chat session..

We will identify the ideal journalists for your event, handle the logistics, moderate the event, provide you with a an enhanced database of journalists committed to your area of specialization and write the event report. This report can be adapted for use on your organizations digital platforms..

Call us on: +254777246939

Commedia session

Commedia skills is a 3 day training event that equips you with media and communication skills based on emerging themes in the industry to leverage your ideas to your targeted audience through national and international media.


We compile reports for all the trainings we undertake but also offer separate services for those in need of rapporteurs only.

Focus Group Discussions (FGD)

We carry out baseline surveys for the training we undertake so as to get an understanding of the content to develop as per the clients needs. We also do conduct Focus Group Discussions based on our clients needs.

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